Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Lesson Plans 9.23.14

Yellow Journalism
  1. Search for Missing Bride Continues
  2. Bride Missing!  Groom's Family Blame History of Mental Illness
  • How do these headline differ?
  • Consider the wording and how a reader might respond to each article
  1. What does each headline imply?
  2. If these were articles, which would you have wanted to read first?
  3. Which do you think would have been the most reliable story?  Why?
  4. Why might different newspapers choose to present the same event so differently?
PowerPoint - Maine Explosion (link is to the right under Pages)

  1. According to this song, who sunk the Maine?
  2. Does this prove the Spanish blew it up?
  1. Document A: New York Journal 
  2. Document B: New York Times (available to the right under Pages; titled Maine Explosion - Original Documents
  3. Complete Guiding Questions with reading
    1. New York Journal
      1. How long after the explosion of the Maine was this article written?
      2. What does the headline of the article suggest about the newspaper’s point of view?
      Close Reading
      1. Upon what type of evidence does the New York Journal base its claims?

      New York Times
      1. How does the date of this article compare with the date on the New York Journal and Advertiser article?
      Close Reading
      1. According to these headlines, what happened to the Maine?
      2. What kinds of evidence does the New York Times include to support its account of the incident?

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