- Search for Missing Bride Continues
- Bride Missing! Groom's Family Blame History of Mental Illness
- How do these headline differ?
- Consider the wording and how a reader might respond to each article
- What does each headline imply?
- If these were articles, which would you have wanted to read first?
- Which do you think would have been the most reliable story? Why?
- Why might different newspapers choose to present the same event so differently?
PowerPoint - Maine Explosion (link is to the right under Pages)
- According to this song, who sunk the Maine?
- Does this prove the Spanish blew it up?
- Document A: New York Journal
- Document B: New York Times (available to the right under Pages; titled Maine Explosion - Original Documents
- Complete Guiding Questions with reading
- New York JournalSourcing
- How long after the explosion of the Maine was this article written?
- What does the headline of the article suggest about the newspaper’s point of view?
Close Reading- Upon what type of evidence does the New York Journal base its claims?
New York TimesSourcing- How does the date of this article compare with the date on the New York Journal and Advertiser article?
Close Reading- According to these headlines, what happened to the Maine?
- What kinds of evidence does the New York Times include to support its account of the incident?
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