Friday, September 5, 2014

Comment on this Post

Well, you have completed your first week of your junior year!  Congratulations!  Please respond in the comment section below and tell me what you plan to do to be successful this year.


  1. What I plan to do to be successful this year over all is to not procrastinate. I will admit that last year I did procrastinate and I was lazy which was detrimental to my grades and education. So I will NOT procrastinate.

  2. I'm excited for this year! I will stay on top of my grades and enjoy my senior year!

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  3. i will strive for excellence in each of my classes. i will pass all my classes this year and be on time each day and get to work.

  4. What I plan on doing this year to successful this year is to focus on my work and the teacher during class. Also I plan on doing all my homework with 110% instead of giving up because it's hard. I think if I follow the rules I have set for myself I will improve immensely.

  5. This year as a Junior I plan to be successful by, listening to the teacher, completing all my assignments on time, showing respect to other classmates and myself, and engaging in the class so that I can preform at my highest level.

  6. This year , i plan to be successful and stay on top of everything. To be able to these things, i have to make time everytime focused on school or school related work.

  7. i plan on getting involved this year also staying on top of all my school work to maintain a good gpa!! i also intend to have lots of school spirit on purple and white fridays.

    1. Sounds great!! I talked to Hayley, come see me some time on Monday ok?

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  9. What I plan to be successful is to complete my assignments on time and ask for help when needed.

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    2. I am sooo glad you are in my class! You have a great plan set up here!

  10. My goal is to stay organized and focus on my classwork and get my homework done early.
    Ngoc Nguyen

  11. i will follow the rams pride and do my best to get high gpa.

  12. i want to graduate and move with life and reach my dreams working hard.

    1. Tell me more! What is your plan to achieve these accomplishments?

  13. Plan to be successful by completing all my homework and turn them in on time.

  14. This school year I plan to be really organized, pay attention, do my school work and turn it in on time, and to ask for help if I need it.

    1. I am an organizational freak! Let me know if you need any help!

  15. this year as a shophomore and as an exchange student I plan to be successful by being bilingual

  16. this year i would like to stay on task and try not to procrastinate as much,and pay attention.


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