Monday, December 1, 2014

Lesson Plan 12.1.14

Classroom Based Assessment (CBA) - Foreign Policy
Were American imperialistic policies in at the turn of the century (1898-1900) in keeping with traditional American values?  In your response address the political, social, and economic impacts on America's foreign policies.

Review Terms

  • Manifest Destiny
  • Monroe Doctrine
Using one of two maps (provided in Classroom) 
  • Explain America's using the Monroe Doctrine as a motive for going to war against the Spanish.
  • What would be America's motive to enter the race for building an empire?
Analyzing Primary Sources 
Using two of five primary sources (provided in Classroom)
  • Complete the graphic organizer
    • Writer's name
    • Date of article
    • What is happening politically/socially/economically?
    • Point of view
    • Intended audience
    • Motivation
    • What is the writer's claim?
    • Evidence to support
    • Does evidence appeal to logic, emotion or ethics?

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